
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

Chapter 5. The Need for Active Management and Restoration
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(5-4) We recommend that Parks Canada establish a set of guidelines for site restoration, in order to guide the many questions that remain at the field level regarding restoration. The guidelines should include targets for acceptable levels of toxic substances, restoration of landforms and hydrological patterns. The guidelines should also include guidance of the removal or remodeling of historical structures in order to meet site rehabilitation needs. Site restoration is currently undertaken on a site-by-site basis UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada will establish a set of guidelines for site restoration. The extent and timing of implementation of the guidelines are subject to the availability of new funding.
(5-5) We further recommend that Parks Canada establish a dedicated site restoration fund of $5 million per year to ensure that funds are available and that restoration is not directly competing with other immediate priority issues. The fund should be allocated based on a national priority list for site restoration in national parks. As there are a limited number of sites that need restoration, the fund can be re-evaluated after five years to see if it has met its objective. Site restoration is currently undertaken on a site-by-site basis, as resources permit and according to park management plan priorities. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. The creation and use of a site restoration fund have been addressed in the implementation strategy that has been prepared for government consideration as part of the normal budget process. The extent and timing of site restoration are subject to the availability of new funding.
(5-6) We recommend that Parks Canada develop a national policy and guidelines on the definition of invasive alien species and appropriate criteria for control and removal methods. Parks Canada has an approved national policy on the control and eradication of alien species in national parks and a national guide for the management of invasive alien species. The guide currently defines alien invasive species and criteria for the active management of problem invasives. Some parks have undertaken modest control programs of invasive alien species. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. A national directive on invasive alien species has been drafted and will be developed into Parks Canada's national strategy. The extent and timing of implementation of the strategy are subject to the availability of new funds

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