
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

Chapter 13: The Need for Committed Investment
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(13-2) We recommend that the Minister [of Canadian Heritage] seek additional resources to implement the recommendations of the Panel as follows (see Figure 13-4 for specific dollar amounts) ...   UNDER WAY. Parks Canada has developed a long-term strategy for government consideration as part of the normal budget process.
(13-3) We recommend that the Minister of Canadian Heritage support proposals currently being made to the Minister of Finance by environmental non-governmental organizations to change the Income Tax Act to exempt ecological gifts from capital gains tax and allow for the part sale/part donation of land (Chapter 9).   DONE. The budget of February 28, 2000 reduced, from two-thirds to one-third, the income inclusion rate on capital gains arising from donations of ecologically sensitive lands and easements. The October 18, 2000 Economic Statement and Budget Update reduced the income inclusion rate further to 25%, for ecogifts completed after October 18, 2000.
(13-4) We recommend that funding for new park establishment should include ... For the past three years, funding for new park establishment (both development and operations) has come from internal re-allocations. UNDER WAY. Funding required for the planning, establishment, development and operations of new parks has been included in the implementation strategy that has been prepared for government consideration as part of the normal budget process.
(13-5) We recommend that Parks Canada divide project funds using an "envelope" system of fiscal management with one of these envelopes being for activities related to ecosystem research, monitoring, and management at both national and regional levels, and one envelope for projects under other program areas.   Any new funds received for ecological integrity will be clearly dedicated to those purposes.
(13-6) We recommend that Parks Canada initiate, within two years, an investigation of the infrastructure of each national park, to determine the capital funding required with respect to ... Further study is required to identify the costs associated with greening infrastructure. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada will initiate the recommended review. The extent and timing of the review are subject to the availability of new funding.

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